An American friend recently told me about the Boston Tea Party, an act admired by many even now for its show of defiance against foreigners imposing their will on the American people. I considered this new knowledge of American history while noticing how many of my American friends strongly oppose their government taking more control of matters in their daily lives like revamping the health care system and bailing out banks and big businesses. They claim things will get worse once inefficient, big government gets involved. Case in point, the failing Social Security system, right? These Americans really want less government intrusion in their families and in their personal decisions.

If you oppose YOUR government – elected by you – being so involved in your daily lives, why do you expect others to accept its involvement in their lives although they did not elect it? Why should the Iraqis accept the government the US thinks is best for that country? Do you self-described conservative and libertarian types not oppose YOUR own politicians meddling in your healthcare system and definitions of marriage? Why then do you think it’s fine for these same politicians- who were NOT elected here – to meddle and destroy and tell us what to do? Why the double standards? You want liberty and justice for all, but “all” means only Americans, right? Why do the Americans have the right to arrest more than 19,000 Iraqis without trials? Why do they have the right to kill and wound hundreds of thousands in Iraq and elsewhere without anyone holding them accountable? Would the Americans accept their own government doing these kind of things to them?

Why expect others to accept what you do not wish to accept yourself? We did not elect your politicians.